Thursday, March 22, 2012

The Titans

DragonFyre looks around frantically. "Um, um." she stutters, then an idea hits her. "You've all been Punked! Surprise!" No one believes her at first, but a few of the teens accept the idea. DragonFyre glances at Robin. "You know how to freeze time, right?" she whispers. Robin shakes his head. She lets out and exasperated sigh.
"Alright. Time to test out the Law of Transferred Energy." She grabs Robins shoulder and lifts his arm. She focuses all her magic into him. A golden glow erupts from Robin and circles the room. Everything stops. DragonFyre falls to her knees.
"What just happened?" he asks as he helps her to her feet.
"Well, in a nutshell, I just broke the laws of physics. I'm not supposed to be able to use magic in this realm, but I must have found a loophole by not using it directly. Wow." she sighs. Robin leads her through the portal into his realm. DragonFyre collapses on the sofa in the T-Tower. "So," she begins,"all the Realm Travelers have been captured by Slade?" Robin looks at her in alarm.
"How did you know that?" he asks, bewildered.
"Simple. If TrailBlaiser's captured, she would call RiverFlyte. If RiverFlyte is captured, he would call SwiftWind and Rabbitleap. If they get captured, they would call the other agents. If they get captured, they call the A-I-Ts. If everyone's captured, then they call me."
"Why are you last?"
"I'm a reserve. They can usually handle things on their own, but when they need a back-up leader, they call me. Me and TrailBlaiser are like this." she holds up her hand, her middle and index finger crossed. "So, how'd he do it? As far as I know, there is no way he could have captured them all."
"I'm not sure. My team and I escaped before we could figure it out." Robin explains. DragonFyre looks around.
"Where are the Titans?" she asks. Robin grabs his communicator.
"Guys, I'm back. I've got Agent DragonFyre." he says into it. A girlish "Yay!" echoes through the building. A streak of red flies through the room, stopping in front of DragonFyre. A teenage girl smiles happily at her.
"Hi!" she squeals. "I'm Starfire!" DragonFyre scoots back.
"And I have a personal bubble. One I would prefer you were not in right now." DragonFyre replies. Starfire backs up.
"Sorry, I just got excited!" she exclaims. DragonFyre eyes her suspiciously. The rest of the Titans come in, Beast Boy, Raven, and Cyborg. Terra follows them moments afterward. Beast Boy comes up to her. He looks at her.
"She doesn't look like a fighter to me." he observes. DragonFyre gives him a smug look.
"Oh really?" She glows gold for a moment, then when it fades, a golden scaled dragon is in her place. "How about now?" the dragon growls. Beast Boy also transforms, but keeps switching between a Velociraptor and a Pterodactyl.
"What animal is that?" he asks her. DragonFyre glows again, then resumes her human form.
"A dragon." she replies. "It's mythological, like unicorns and griffins, so you can't become one." Robin stares in amazement.
"So, you can fly?" DragonFyre nods. He smiles.
"Perfect. We'll do an aerial attack."


  1. Woah, I didn't know DragonFyre could do that! I probably should've guessed though. It's in her name after all.

  2. Um, I don't think I can update my story for awhile. My rabbit just passed away, and she's the only thing I can think about right now. I'm afraid Realm Travelers is kinda taking a backseat. I'll continue the story when every other idea doesn't include her.

    1. I can respect that. I've never had a pet before, though.

  3. Yesterday, I finally managed to get my mind on something else for a bit. And I came back with a new mission! Have you seen "The Lorax" yet? OMG, Once-ler is HOT!!!!! It is official, after the Titans, I'm going to introduce you to a new concept of missions, called Parallel.
