Monday, September 3, 2012


TrailBlaiser works on another of DragonFyre's projects when Sugar and Kopa enter the room. "Agent TrailBlaiser," Kopa begins, "We need to speak with you." TrailBlaiser shuts her laptop and gives them her attention. "It's about the mission you assigned us... with Sapphire. We aren't sure it's a good idea." She gives him a skeptical look.
"And why is that?" she asks. Sugar shifts about uncomfortably. 
"We don't think she's ready to go on a mission with an Elemental guide. She could get hurt." Kopa reasons. TrailBlaiser nods understandingly.
"Of course. I would take heed of that if I didn't know that you're lying to me." Kopa's eyes widen. "You two both know that A-I-T Sapphire is perfectly capable of going on a mission without an Elemental guide. I'm not stupid, Agent Kopa. I suggest you tell me the truth. Why don't you want to take Sapphire?" Kopa and Sugar exchange looks.
"Well, Agent TrailBlaiser, um," he leans over and whispers something into TrailBlaiser's ear. Her breath catches in her throat.
"What?!" TrailBlaiser hisses. Kopa cowers like a scolded dog. 
"Please, TrailBlaiser. Normally, people take such news with a very light heart, shouting with joy." Sugar adds. 
"Oh, I'm about to shout something, alright." TrailBlaiser growls. She rubs her temples, trying to stop an oncoming headache. "Okay, so you don't want to go, because you don't want Sapphire to find out?" Kopa nods. "Sugar, Kopa, I just don't know what to think about this. I mean, you are keeping it, right?" 
"Of course, TrailBlaiser." Sugar replies.
"But, Sapphire... You two are best friends, Sugar. You can't just keep this from her." Sugar hangs her head.
"I know. I'm just afraid to tell her. What will she think of it?" TrailBlaiser puts a hand on both of them.
"If you are really friends, she will support you, no matter what. Don't push her away from you, or else things will go from bad to worse. It's at our lowest moments that we need our friends the most." TrailBlaiser rises. "Does anyone else no about this?" Kopa shakes his head. "I suppose that's best, for the moment. But promise me one thing, Kopa." She whispers something to him. 
"Yes, TrailBlaiser." 
"Good. But, you still have to take Sapphire on that mission." TrailBlaiser decides.
"Yes, TrailBlaiser." Kopa sighs. The two walk off. 
"Oh and Sugar." The girl turns to face TrailBlaiser. "When?"
"April." And with that, they leave.   


  1. Is Sugar... pregnant? Also, Magicrainbow123 wants to do a crossover with you...

    1. I'll do a crossover, sure! Sounds like it could be fun! Do you still have my e-mail?

  2. Yeah, I can give it to her if you want.

    1. Yeah. Have her send me details of what she wants me to do.

    2. I'll send you a email or go on the new chatbox on elixir trilogy.
