Friday, August 17, 2012

Rainbows = Telegrams (Apparently)

"Hey, Rabbitleap, take her artifact." RiverFlyte suggests.
"What?!" all three girls say in unison.
"It might calm them down." Rabbitleap nods and snaps the leather cord holding Swiftwind's artifact around her neck. Swiftwind immediatly relaxes, and Rabbitleap lets her up. RiverFlyte reaches for TrailBlaiser's orb, but she struggles fiercely. "TrailBlaiser! Stop fighting me!" he scolds.
"No! It's mine! You can't touch it!" she growls. Her eyes glow with a strange red light unusual for her, despite her powers. "Get away!" She tosses herself and throws her weight around, but RiverFlyte pins her firmly to the ground. Again, he reaches for the amulet, only to have TrailBlaiser sink her fangs into his hand. He bites back a shout of pain, tries again. This time, he gets completly on top of her, pinning her head to the earth and ripping the orb off. He waits for a moment as TrailBlaiser, now without her powers, resumes her human form, as Swiftwind did. RiverFlyte blasts a blue light on his hand, healing himself. She falls to her knees and weeps. "I- I'm sorry Sep. I don't know what happened..." she trails off as RiverFlyte glares at her.
"Leo." he demands. She looks up sadly at him. "We're over." The girls' jaws gape.
"We're what?" she whispers, uncomprehendingly. RiverFlyte turns his gaze, not meeting her eyes. "You're my second-in-command! My equal element! My boyfriend! My love! You loved my sister to love me while I was in Aslan's Country! You challenged Aslan to get me back! You convinced Marcia to let me stay in the Wizard Tower! You can't just... stop... loving... me." Her voice is broken by sobs in her last sentence. 
"I still love you." he sighs. "But I can't be with you. Not when you're like this." Suddenly, he drops the orb, which left a burn on his hand. The orb rolls by itself to TrailBlaiser, and stops. "What are you doing?!" he demands.
"Nothing, I swear! I have no magic without my artifact!" TrailBlaiser gingerly picks up the orb, which releases a low noise, like a purr. "I don't understand..." She shakes her head and tosses the artifact away, shouting, "You, evil little thing, you caused this!" The orb lands twenty feet away, and again rolls back to her. She screams in fear. The orb glows, as if impatient. "Septimus, please, take me back to RTHQ! This thing is freaking me out!" RiverFlyte nods, but as he does, a bright light erupts from all four artifacts, coming together into a rainbow above them. The Realm Travelers stare up at the rainbow, entranced. Eventually, the rainbow dissolves above them, and they look at each other, bewildered. 
"It was a message." Rabbitleap whispers. "It said, 'The balance has been disrupted. Something has occurred to break to realms apart.'" 
"No," Swiftwind objects, "it said, 'Elements together won't fix the realm. Air, then Water, then Earth, then Fire. In that order will the universe finally rest peacefully.'" She turns to RiverFlyte. "What does that mean?" 
"I'm not sure." he replies, "But it told me, 'A challenge will come soon, so don't abandon her. The anger was from a warning she could not interpret. Love Fire, for you'll need her when your challenge comes.' So basically, it's telling me only to not break up with you." He says this last sentence to TrailBlaiser. 
"So, we're not broken up?" she asks.
"According to the universe, no." he sighs. A smile brightens her face. "What did your message say?" The smile fades.
"Oh, um, er, nothing important." The three of them glare at her. "It said, 'Your challenge will be last, and the greatest of them all. In each challenge, the others will learn what it means to be a hero, but this you already know. Therefore, a call will be made for one to be taken. But not you. The one whom you care for the most. The one who taught you, as much as you taught her.' Like I said, just gibberish, I'm sure it means nothing." RiverFlyte paces back and forth.
"Wait, 'the one you care for the most'? Wouldn't that be me? But no, it said 'her'. Who is it talking about?" He asks. TrailBlaiser twirls her hair nervously around her finger.
"Um, no one. I'll tell you, eventually. I just hope I can tell you before I have to." 


  1. Noooo another cliffhanger!!!! Love the rainbows though :)

  2. I would use rainbows more, except I also have guy characters. I can't associate manliness with rainbows, right? BTW, cliffhangers are my bread and butter. :)

  3. Heroes of Olympus moment ^_^ If anyone gets this reference, I'll be surprised...

    1. I only read the Lost Hero, so... I don't get it. Go ahead, call me lame. :/

    2. It's a moment in the Lost Hero :) Hint: something to do with Iris.

  4. I know what chapter randomnessrocks64 talking about!
