Sunday, August 12, 2012

Cat Fight

Swiftwind pulls out her sparkly communicator. "Hey TrailBlaiser, we got a problem over on my side." she relays into the mic. 
"That isn't your rehearsed line, Swiftwind." sighs TrailBlaiser from the speaker. A growl forms deep inside Swiftwind.
"I don't care about your stupid rules! I said I have a problem and you need to fix it! NOW!" she hisses. Rogers, who had his hand on Swiftwind's shoulder, gets scared and backs up. 
"Don't you speak to me that way! I'm still in charge here and you know it!" TrailBlaiser yells. 
"Oh, yeah?! What are you gonna do about it, Princess? You gonna send your weak boyfriend to avenge your injured pride?" Swiftwind hisses. The male Avengers just cower in fear. 
"Is it normal for women of this realm to act in this manor?" Thor asks quietly. 
"No. Not in my time, anyway." Captain America replies. 
"It's more common in this century, but still pretty rare for this to be sparked over nothing." Stark adds.
"Unless you're Natahsa." Hawkeye offers. Black Widow glares, silencing him. 
"That's it! I'm coming over there RIGHT NOW! Let's see how you conform to my rules when your demoted back to Level One Agent Training!" TrailBlaiser shrieks. A shimmering portal opens in front of Swiftwind, and a furious TrailBlaiser leaps out. "You are so dead!" She leaps onto Swiftwind, knocking her down. 
"Not as dead as you!" Swiftwind spits as she counters by flipping onto her back and spinning around. 
"Troutwhisker sure dodged a bullet breaking up with you!" TrailBlaiser growls. Swiftwind transforms into a huge tiger.
"You leave my ex-boyfriend out of this!" she roars. TrailBlaiser counters by going full dragon.
"Make me, rat-chaser!" TrailBlaiser smacks Swiftwind's jaw, sending her crashing into the wall. Swiftwind stands back up, growling and shaking the rubble from her fur. Swiftwind clamps down hard onto TrailBlaiser's leg, leaving shimmering blood on the tile floor. TrailBlaiser roars in fury. Busting through the wall, TrailBlaiser shoots flame at Swiftwind, who quickly dodges and leaps out of the hole in the wall. Another portal opens as TrailBlaiser and Swiftwind go for each other's throats. RiverFlyte steps out, with Rabbitleap at his side. 
"What's going on here?!" he demands. The girls don't respond and continue fighting. He turns to Rabbitleap. "You know what we have to do now." Rabbitleap nods and turns into a wolf, while RiverFlyte becomes an ice dragon. Rabbitleap leaps first into the fray, only to get smacked down by Swiftwind. RiverFlyte tries to split them up, but gets burned by TrailBlaiser. She seems to notice the arrival of the other Realm Travelers and glares at Swifftwind.
"You hurt my officer!" she yells. 
"Me?! You're the one who fried your boyfriend!" She sneers at RiverFlyte, who is cradling his injured wing. "Told you we was weak." With a furious scream, TrailBlaiser lunges at Swiftwind, beating her into the ground. 
"Enough!" RiverFlyte roars just as TrailBlaiser positions to deliver the death blow. "No more fighting! I don't know what's gotten into you, but this stops now. You're acting like a child, TrailBlaiser." She whips around to face him.
"You wanna say that again, Sweetie?" she growls, anger thickening her voice. RiverFlyte smacks TrailBlaiser down.
"Sorry, Babe. Maybe you should have thought twice before threatening me." TrailBlaiser moves to attack, but he pins her down. Rabbitleap does the same to Swiftwind. 
"What's gotten into them?" she asks RiverFlyte. He shakes his head.
"I don't know, but this needs to be fixed immediately."     

1 comment:

  1. Maybe something to do with the storm? Sort of like these crazy storms my friends used to do...
