Silently, Hera listens to Juno's account of last night.
"Hm, risky move, twisting his arm. You could have given away our objectives." Hera critiques. Juno shrugs.
"He was being an idiot, so I put him in his place." she reasons. Hera paces around.
"You are certain that he won't report you?"Hera asks. Juno snickers.
"What's he gonna say, 'I got beat up by a girl?' Nah. He values his pride way too much to let that out. I've seen his type. Always wanting to dominate, be top dog, you know? No way he's gonna relinquish that tittle by announces his defeat against an unarmed girl." Hera raises an eyebrow.
"You were unarmed?" he asks, bewildered.
"No, but he didn't know that. Come on, Aunt Hera, you know I always carry a dagger in my sleeve and a pistol in that secret compartment you sewed into the top of all my dresses. I'm not stupid."
"I know you aren't stupid. I just think you've gotten a bit cocky." Hera explains.
"I've got everything under control, okay?" Hera watches her for a moment.
"You weren't worried when he said, 'What if they were our sons?'" Juno shrugs. " Because you'll have to break it to him eventualy."
"Maybe not. I mean, when he kissed me, it was so real, it had such passion!" Hera's eyes widen.
"Juno, surely you can't have- fallen in love?!" Juno bites her lip. "Oh!" Hera groans. "You could have jeprodized the entire mission! Your orders were to seduce him, not the other way around! I cannot believe you would be so careless! Your duty is to the boys first! What will you do if he can't escape? What if he gets caught? You must complete this mission at all costs... even if that cost is Sparrow."
"That won't happen." Juno whispers. "I won't let it. I have something on my side that they don't." Her eyes flash bright green. She snaps her fingers and a spark of blue light jumps between the tips. "Magyk."
Dramatic sorta cliffhanger *gasp*