Friday, May 11, 2012

Mixed Emotions

As the sun breaks the horizon, Juno barely feels it's warmth. A Sister wraps a blanket around her shoulders. "I just don't understand." Juno thinks aloud. "It was almost perfect. And then, everyting came apart." The Sister smiles at her.
"What did you expect? When were you going to tell him?" she reasons. Juno shrugs.
"Maybe after we were married and had a few children. Then he'd have a legal and moral obligation to stay." The Sister looks at her disdainfully. "What? It made sense in my mind."
"And now that you've said it out loud?" Juno examines her boots.
"It sounds really stupid and naive and he's totally in the right to be mad at me for tricking him." The Sister taps the top of her nose.
"Bingo. But, hey, you're young, you've got you're whole life ahead of you, and you're pretty. Maybe Sparrow isn't the one. I know that when I was your age, I fell in love with a handsome young carpenter's boy. He said he'd love me forever and that I would have everything I wanted." Juno perks up.
"What happened?"
"He ran off with a Trader girl a few years back. Haven't seen him in years. Not that I want to, after that. Besides," she holds out her left hand, on which is a dazzling silver ring, "I married a Manuscriptorium scribe."  Juno smiles at her, but it doesn't last long.
"Wait, you're married, and you're in the Sisterhood... you lost a son, didn't you?" The Sister tenses up.
"Yes, I did. But, I'd rather not speak of it." The Sister tries to put on a brave face. "Well, I think Sparrow's had enough time, why don't you go talk to him?" Juno looks at her skeptically, but eventualy gives up. Juno slowly makes her way over to Sparrow.
"What do you want?" he growls. Juno takes a deep breath.
"I came to apologize, and explain." She waits in silence for a few moments.
"Fine. Explain away." Sparrow sighs.
"Thank you. Look, I'm sorry for tricking you like that. But I did it all to help the children. Our Sisterhood is a secret organization with no goal other than to bring down the Young Army." she lowers her voice. "Sparrow, the Young Army hurt us, all of us. They took away our sons, nephews, brothers, cousins, and grandsons. They tooks my newborn brother right out of my mother's arms." Sparrow closes his eyes. "Please, you must believe me." she pleads. 
"So, you do it for revenge?" he asks.
"No, we do it for-" she's cut off by the excited sqeal of the Sister who had spoken with her.
"Collin?!" the Sister squeaks, "Oh my little boy!" she wraps her arms around a very confused boy who very closely resembles the Sister.Juno smiles and notes Sparrow's expression.
"That's why we do it." Sparrow looks at her. "Because, 'what if they were our sons?'" Sparrow lets out a light laugh.
"Are you gonna hold that over my head, now?" Juno shrugs.
"I might. It makes a pretty good motto for our cause, doesn't it?" Sparrow grabs Juno's hand, pulls her near him and kisses her passionatly.
"Yes, I think it does." He kisses her again. "Juno?" he sighs, in between kisses.
"I'm sorry for calling you 'Wizard filth.'" 
"It's okay. What else would I expect from someone who's been trained to hate Wizard's?" They continue to kiss for several more moments.
"Will you marry me?"Juno stops, and looks into his eyes. 
"Yes." she sighs, "Yes!" Sparrow holds her tightly and continues kissing her. A Sister glances at them.
"Hey!" she calls, "Come up for air sometime, okay?" Juno laughs.
"Well, if I die, I rather die in your arms."  


  1. Yay, that was so sweet!!! Is this the end of the story?

  2. No. I have one ot two installements lefy, depending on whether or not I decide to kill off the main characters.
