Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Sapphire Hack

Heya, what's up people? This is A-I-T Sapphire! Yeah, I know, you were probably expecting another piece of the story. Perhaps hoping to see how Swiftwind and Captain America fall for each other, right? Too bad, I stole the laptop and I'm making the story today! TrailBlaiser told me to set up the post for today, so I am. She meant for me to just cut a piece of the story and post that, but I didn't feel like it. The only reason she isn't doing this herself is because RiverFlyte took her out on a date. Cute, right?! I'm gonna ask her later if he's a good kisser... Ahem, back to the matter at hand, I'm in control, therefore, I get to post about whatever the heck I want! So, gossip it is! You remember Sugar's secret admirer? You haven't heard about him since Christmas. Okay, his name is Kopa. DragonFyre wrote him into existence, like she did for Swiftwind, Rabbitleap and TrailBlaiser. Why she did this, I'll never know. But him and Sugar are such a cute couple! Also, Wes got promoted to full agent. I've been in training longer than him, and I'm still in training! Not fair. Terrance, the Aphrodite boy, has finally noticed my unbelievable attractiveness and declared me his girlfriend! Okay, you know how I was complaining about how everyone had a guy last year? Well, I used Swiftwind as an example. But get this, she and Troutwhisker broke up. Like, three months ago. That's why TrailBlaiser sent her on this mission. I've also noticed that most of TrailBlaiser's mission ideas don't even involve Realm Travelers anymore! Like, she has ideas to just "observe" a realm, instead of interacting. What up with that?! At this rate, by the time I'm a full agent, I won't have any missions to do! Seriously, if you have any mission ideas, please tell me so I can pass it on to her! Oh, and you know how Swiftwind said that no one knows who wrote me? To be perfectly honest, even I don't know that! And I'm me! I guess I've just, always been a Realm Traveler. As far back as I can remember, TrailBlaiser's always been there, telling me stories of her adventures. She was training me even before I was accepted into RTHQ. I don't know  my parents, even though every other Realm Traveler has a background. Though I never considered myself an orphan, because TrailBlaiser has been my mother, my big sister, my best friend... I don't know, maybe this is just me rambling on here.
                                                                              Dream On! A-I-T Sapphire


  1. Nice to hear from A-I-T Sapphire again :) Anyways, have you heard of the Mistmantle Chronicles? That's one of my favorite series, and maybe you could do a mission there? I understand if it's too hard, though.

    1. Mistmantle? I don't think I've heard of them. Sounds cool though! I'll defiantly check it out!..... *five minutes and a wikipedia page later* The main character is a- squirrel? Okay...

    2. Honestly, first series that popped into mind :P I find myself reading stories on wattpad and fictionpress a lot more these days. -.- Time to dig out the library...

    3. Wait, came up with a few more. Okay, first is Avalon: Web of Magic. Second is the Edge Chronicles (What is it with me and chronicles? :P)

  2. I need to e-mail you a basic outline of that story you asked for. What's your address?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thank you! I didn't give you any real dialogue, but I thought you could be creative enough to figure it out!
