Sunday, January 8, 2012

No Audiance

Hey, Agent TrailBlaiser here. I have noticed something that definatly upsets me. I've been stockpiling our missions to post, and then I realized, no one's reading my posts. So, I will continue to launch missions, as I must, but I won't waste my time posting any until I have confirmation that there is actually someone out there reading them. So, until I have said confirmation, I will not post anymore. Shame, I'm going to launch a huge adventure into the Rampant Realm, written by Diana Peterfreund, but, I geuss no one is intersesting in hearing about it. Oh well. Dream on, I suppose, not that anyone out there actually cares...


  1. Dude,I have been practically stalking this blog ever since I saw the link on the Sep heap blog. So please please keep posting and really you're the one who inspired me to write a blog in the first place. So yeah and I am following this blog but I had to keep it private cud my parents would kill me if they found out

  2. P.S. sorry if that was a lot to read but I was desperate. And hyper too. So yeah um bye

  3. Dear randomnessroocks64,
    Yay! If you think your hyper, WOW! I'm totally psyched that your reading this! I could hug you, except, well, there's a computer in my way. I promise to write a post tomorrow! Eeeeeeep! Love you random person on the in ternet! Yipee!

  4. Dear Diana I mean trailblaser (I found you off angie4)
    I "heart" realmtravellers it is brilliant one of my favourite websites
    (favourite websites:
    1. RealmTravellers
    2. The Official septimus heap blog)
    I so wish I was recruited for realmtravellers!
    If you want I can recruit a couple more fans for you
    From your biggest and loyalest fan Daniel
