Sapphire wakes up bright an early the next morning, springing out of bed. She throws on some clothes in the dark, not realizing what she's wearing. A harsh light splashes over her as Sugar opens the door, clutching her stomach and looking like she's going to be sick. Sugar rushes out of the room, leaving Sapphire bewildered. Closing the door carefully behind her, she tip-toes into the Dining Hall, where TrailBlaiser, hair merely pulled back into a messy bun and in pajama bottoms and a tee, is sipping slowly on coffee. "TrailBlaiser!" Sapphire exclaims, making TrailBlaiser spill the hot liquid on herself. Jumping up, she bites back a cry of pain. Sapphire rushes up to her, dabbing at the spill with a napkin. "So sorry, TrailBlaiser! I was just so excited to get my first mission today!" She waits for the outburst, but it doesn't come.
"It's alright, Sapphire. I should have been more alert, considering that I am trained to be on guard for anything. I just didn't think that included surprise coffee attacks." She sets the mug on the table and purses her lips. "Now, this being your first mission, I'm going to go easy on you, but also give you a fun one." Sapphire's eyes light up.
"Ooh, fighting monsters? Destroying evil kings? Saving royalty? Evading capture by terrible armies?" TrailBlaiser holds er hand up, silencing the girl.
"Observing." Sapphire's excitement falls. "Ah, but you'll like this. Hunger Games. You get to go to the Hunger Games Master Realm. Where the book and movie meet to create one story. Your mission, find out what happens to the Gamemaker in the Master Realm. And possibly cause a little mayhem on the side. You know how much fun it is to mess with totalitarian governments." She smiles proudly at her former apprentice. "I know you'll do well. You were trained by the best, after all." Sapphire hugs TrailBlaiser, who stiffens up, but eventually gives in and hugs her back.
"When do I start?" Sapphire asks hopefully. TrailBlaiser swells with pride.
"As soon as you fix your outfit. You weren't thinking of going into a realm dressed like that, were you?" Sapphire looks down at her mis-matched outfit. Her Converse are different colors, her jeans are inside-out, her shirt is on backward and her hair is parted at a weird angle. Her cheeks go red.
"I guess I was just so excited that I wasn't paying attention. I'll go change." She darts off to her room and opens the door. "And maybe find out what's up with Sugar."
I remember this! Please, please mess the government up!!!!