Swiftwind opens a portal to RTHQ, smiling back at Rogers as they walk through. "TrailBlaiser, we're back!" she calls. TrailBlaiser pokes her head around the corner.
"We?" Her jaw drops upon seeing Rogers. "What is he doing here?" Swiftwind smiles.
"This is Agent -in-Training Liberty." She gestures to Rogers. TrailBlaiser nearly collapses from shock.
"On whose orders?!" she demands.
"Um, yours. I'm an officer, therefore I have the right to add any new agents I want to. It's in the code, TrailBlaiser. And, I'm older than you." she sticks out her tongue at TrailBlaiser.
"Well, I out-rank you!" They get locked in a full-on glare war. RiverFlyte walks in and sees everyone.
"Oh, Swiftwind, you're back. Welcome home." He puts a hand on TrailBlaiser's shoulder. "Down, girl or no treat for you." She glares at him.
"I will cut you." she threatens. Grumpily, she storms off. RiverFlyte watches her go, shaking his head.
"Sorry about her. If you want to receive Realm Traveler training, you'd have to deal with her on a daily basis." Rogers tenses up.
"Is it that bad? I mean, I went through World War Two..." RiverFlyte ponders this.
"Not really, but she is a pain. To think we get our orders from her. That drama queen..."
"I heard that!" TrailBlaiser shouts from another room.
"Stop stalking me, your creeper!" he shouts back. "So, Liberty?" he asks. Rogers nods.
"I thought it was fitting." Swiftwind adds. RiverFlyte smiles.
"A little feminine, but alright." Swiftwind purrs softly with amusement.
"That's rich coming from you. I've heard of pixies with manlier code names." RiverFlyte's expression is unreadable.
"If you're looking for a fight, go annoy TrailBlaiser. I'll just give you midnight guard duty and be done with it." he sighs. He leads an optimistic A-I-T Liberty and crest-fallen Swiftwind to the Main Hall, where TrailBlaiser sits on her computer balking at the screen. RiverFlyte walks up to her. "What's up with you?" he asks. She hides her face in her hands.
"Read this e-mail DragonFyre just sent me." she groans. He gets on his knees, leans over her shoulder, and reads it "Yeah, I know this is a really stupid question, but I was just reviewing old sketches of RTHQ, and realized I never included bathrooms. I assume there are some, but not in my records. There are some, right?" RiverFlyte sets his head on the table.
"Your sister is retarded." he sighs. TrailBlaiser nods.
"I'm related to her... I don't even understand."
mI started laughing out loud at the end. Seriously, bathrooms?
ReplyDeleteAlthough I never did include any in Mystika Academy... Better go do that now
yeah, time to sketch a new layout. This time with bathrooms and actually including the training room. (My first draft had onlt the Main Hall, Dormitories, and Realm Corridor. Way lame.)
DeleteWhen you're done, do you think you could post it on here? I want to see what it looks like.