Friday, November 30, 2012

Leo to Deo

TrailBlaiser rolls her eyes. "Well duh! He's France!" Persia starts to cry. "Alright, alright. But, if you're going to act this way, there's no way you can be an agent." She rips open another portal to Hetalia. "Just follow my lead." 

They flash into the debate again, this time France comes up to Leo. "Bonjour belle." he flirts to her. Leo smiles maliciously. 
"Bonjour, you perverted, pathetic excuse for a country. It's nice to see that you aren't torn into pieces by the mob that overtook your capital and beheaded your royal family in a bloody massacre." she replies coolly. His face pales and he backs away slowly. Persia looks up at Leo in awe.
"That was awesome!" she squeals. "Way to shut him down!" Leo smirks and shrugs.
"Hey, when you pass AP World History, you learn a few things. Like the Napoleonic Wars were extremely violent and destroyed a large percentage of the French population. Not to mention, all the nobles were killed and basically a horrifying mob took over the country with a maniacal tyrant leading them." France sits down in the corner and sobs. "Yeah, you probably didn't want them all to know how weak you are... Poor little monsieur." England puts a hand on her shoulder.
"I'm impressed." he muses. "It takes a lot to shut him up. What's your name?" Leo smiles.
"Deo." she says calmly. "And I'm not a country. Yet, anyway. I'm to be discovered, well, founded really, in the early 21st century. I'm just here now because I can be." Persia tugs on Leo's sleeve.
"Uh, Leo, your name is not Deo." she whispers. Leo hushes her.
"I am introducing a future plot concept, don't bother me!" she hisses.

Sorry it's so short! I had little notice!

1 comment:

  1. I just caught up on all the posts. Super duper sorry!!!
    Ahem, please excuse me for that.
    I look forward to much more from this realm...
    Also, way to get back at the cheese-eating surrender monkey!!!!
