Thursday, September 20, 2012


Yeah, this was a post written by the talented, Magicrainbow123 on her site, Prolific Quest. However, I decided it needed a little flair, so, here we go.

After a hard day of training with Wesley (who would have thought that a nerd could fight?) we finally retired rest a little. And no, my powers still haven't shown up yet. Major bummer! Fortunately, the pink mist didn't show up either, but the fear of it drove me to stay awake all night.The next morning, when I finally emerged from Swiftwind's chambers, decked out in the new clothes the Headmistress sent me, I spotted Wesley again. He took one look at me an immediately noticed something was up. "Um, Persia?" he questions. "Did you get any sleep last night?" I nod slowly, trying not to let my head droop too low. "Yeah, cause that's totally believable." Darn! My cover is blown! He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and led me back to his room, since we were closer to his and I was too lazy to walk back to my own. He gestured for me to lie down, which I quickly complied to. 
"Sparkly..." I sighed, almost delirious. He rested a hand on my forehead.
"You have a slight fever, on top of being sleep deprived. No wonder you're seeing things. I'll get you some breakfast." She grabs his arm.
"Wait," she begs, "I... I love you..." Wesley stares at her, too stunned to speak. "Someday, I'll be you're girlfrien-" I break off as the embrace of sleep overtakes me. Terrance walks into the room a few moments later, while Wesley still stares.
"Dude, what is she doing here? And what's with you?" Wesley slowly comes to grips with reality.
"She's got a fever and she's sleep deprived. I took her in here so she could rest. And I probably look his way because she just told me she loves me and wants to be my girlfriend." Terrance gives him an incredulous look. "Like I said, fever and sleep deprivation. She's probably a little delirious. I'm sure she'll be back to thinking clearly once she's rested." Terrance nods.
"Yeah, aren't girlfriend's troublesome? Sapphire's also been crazy. It's liked she's wired to get irritated at everything like, every month or something, for a week." Wesley face-palms.
"That's 'cause she is, idiot." he explains.
"Oh... Wait, what?" Wesley drags his friend out of the room.
"It's called, oh, nevermind. Ask Sapphire, at your own peril. Or, better yet, ask RiverFlyte. If anyone's had experience with over-emotional, hormone raging teenage girls, it's him. He does spend a lot of time with TrailBlaiser. And, when she gets mad..." he trails off and shudders at the thought. 


  1. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! Terrence is son of Aphrodite right?
