Saturday, March 31, 2012

Battle Plans

"Okay. I'm officially throwing all conventional methods out the window. I'll blast the roof off and kill him." DragonFyre explains coolly. Raven glares at her.
"If you try, I can and will immobilize you." she replies.
"Nobody's doing anything stupid. You will do as I say." Robin calls through the communicator.
"So we're supposed to take orders from the same guy that once was the protege of the man we're trying to take out?" DragonFyre retorts. Robin is silent for a bit.
"No. But that gives me an idea. Terra, I want you to act as a double agent, think you can handle it?" he buzzes.
There's static from Terra's communtcator, but her voice comes through,"Whatever you tell me to do, I'm in. Anything to get back at Slade."
"Good. Everyone regroup down here." DragonFyre flies down to Robin. When the rest of his team arrives, he begins giving them parts. "Terra, I want you to gain Slade's trust. As a former apprentice of his, that shouldn't be too hard. Beast Boy, transform into the smallest thing you can think of and hide in her pocket. Cyborg, Dragon, Star, and Raven, cover the entrances. From there, I want Terra to somehow get a hold of that crystal. Once you have it, destroy it. Beast Boy, as soon as it's destroyed, get the Realm Travelers free. When Terra gives the rest of us the signal, we run in. Got it?" Everyone nods. DragonFyre, now in human form, raises her hand.
"Um, question. Don't you think it's a little strange that there haven't been any guards out here? In every other hideout Slade has had, it's been crawling with minions." They all exchange looks.
"So we'll be extra careful. If anyone sees anything, alert the others. We clear on that?" DragonFyre gives him a condesending look.
"Right. Because this doesn't scream trap at all."

Thursday, March 29, 2012


DragonFyre circles the sky over Slade's hideout. Raven, Star, and Beast Boy (in eagle form) are not far behind her. Cyborg, Robin, and Terra are staking out the ground. "Dragon, do you copy?" Robin buzzes into her communicator.
"Affirmitave Robin. Skys are clear above my sector. I have located an access point through an air vent, but only a rat could get through." she responds. She is met with silence for a bit. 
"You know what to do, Beast Boy." he says, finally. 
"Yeah, yeah." Beast Boy complains. "For the record, if I die, I'm holding you personally responsible." 
"Granted." Robin laughs. 
"You know," DragonFyre interjects, "I could just fireball the roof off." Beast Boy flies over to her. 
"I may be an idiot, but even I know that's a bad idea." he caws. 
"I agree with Beast Boy." Robin adds. "A mission like this must be swift and silent." 
"Robin, how many Realm Travelers do you think are in there?" she asks. 
"Dunno, like, ten?" he guesses.
"Close, multiply that by ten. That's how many Realm Travelers and A-I-Ts are in there. And Realm Travelers have powers specifically designed to keep us hidden from those who aren't our targets. So, the fact that he has a hundred, captured, is very bad. What makes you think that he can't kill us all in a second?" Robin's silent for a while.
"We'll send in back-up as needed. For now, I want Beast Boy to go down there and enter the hide-out." Beast Boy doesn't budge.
"No." he counters.
"That's an order!" Robin growls. 
"Fine!" Beast Boy yells. He swoops onto the rooftop and transforms into a mouse. "Alright, I'm in." 
"What do you see?" DragonFyre asks, anxiously. 
"TrailBlaiser, tied to a chair. Slade with a glowing crystal. And about ninety-nine Realm Travelers behind bars. Is that bad?" he rolls off.
"Yes." DragonFyre replies cooly. "Slade has a Night Crystal, the Realm Travelers are powerless, and my sister's a hostage. I would say that's very bad." 

Thursday, March 22, 2012

The Titans

DragonFyre looks around frantically. "Um, um." she stutters, then an idea hits her. "You've all been Punked! Surprise!" No one believes her at first, but a few of the teens accept the idea. DragonFyre glances at Robin. "You know how to freeze time, right?" she whispers. Robin shakes his head. She lets out and exasperated sigh.
"Alright. Time to test out the Law of Transferred Energy." She grabs Robins shoulder and lifts his arm. She focuses all her magic into him. A golden glow erupts from Robin and circles the room. Everything stops. DragonFyre falls to her knees.
"What just happened?" he asks as he helps her to her feet.
"Well, in a nutshell, I just broke the laws of physics. I'm not supposed to be able to use magic in this realm, but I must have found a loophole by not using it directly. Wow." she sighs. Robin leads her through the portal into his realm. DragonFyre collapses on the sofa in the T-Tower. "So," she begins,"all the Realm Travelers have been captured by Slade?" Robin looks at her in alarm.
"How did you know that?" he asks, bewildered.
"Simple. If TrailBlaiser's captured, she would call RiverFlyte. If RiverFlyte is captured, he would call SwiftWind and Rabbitleap. If they get captured, they would call the other agents. If they get captured, they call the A-I-Ts. If everyone's captured, then they call me."
"Why are you last?"
"I'm a reserve. They can usually handle things on their own, but when they need a back-up leader, they call me. Me and TrailBlaiser are like this." she holds up her hand, her middle and index finger crossed. "So, how'd he do it? As far as I know, there is no way he could have captured them all."
"I'm not sure. My team and I escaped before we could figure it out." Robin explains. DragonFyre looks around.
"Where are the Titans?" she asks. Robin grabs his communicator.
"Guys, I'm back. I've got Agent DragonFyre." he says into it. A girlish "Yay!" echoes through the building. A streak of red flies through the room, stopping in front of DragonFyre. A teenage girl smiles happily at her.
"Hi!" she squeals. "I'm Starfire!" DragonFyre scoots back.
"And I have a personal bubble. One I would prefer you were not in right now." DragonFyre replies. Starfire backs up.
"Sorry, I just got excited!" she exclaims. DragonFyre eyes her suspiciously. The rest of the Titans come in, Beast Boy, Raven, and Cyborg. Terra follows them moments afterward. Beast Boy comes up to her. He looks at her.
"She doesn't look like a fighter to me." he observes. DragonFyre gives him a smug look.
"Oh really?" She glows gold for a moment, then when it fades, a golden scaled dragon is in her place. "How about now?" the dragon growls. Beast Boy also transforms, but keeps switching between a Velociraptor and a Pterodactyl.
"What animal is that?" he asks her. DragonFyre glows again, then resumes her human form.
"A dragon." she replies. "It's mythological, like unicorns and griffins, so you can't become one." Robin stares in amazement.
"So, you can fly?" DragonFyre nods. He smiles.
"Perfect. We'll do an aerial attack."

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

New Orleans: Day 2

DragonFyre follows the tour guide as they wander the streets of New Orleans. She snaps a few pictures of the picturesque apartments that line the French Quarter. "Now up here is the parade route for the Italians. We'll see them tonight." the guide announces. She whirls on them. "Girls, I wanna make one thing clear: no matter how cute those Italian boys are, you are not to get in the car." A chorus of disappointed sighs resound from the aggregation of girls in the back. They walk a little further along the street until they reach a restaurant. One of the chaperones goes inside, then returns a few minutes later.
"Okay, our reservations aren't until six," Coach Reese explains, "so you can shop along this street for half an hour. Be back by 5:45. And stay in groups!" DragonFyre looks around for Bri and Victoria, but they're already halfway down the street. Donny spots her.
"Hey!" he calls, "You wanna join us?" DragonFyre smiles and walks over to him. 
"Why on earth would I want to hang out with my best friend's older brother and his dorky friends?" she asks, sarcastically. Donny blushes.
"'Cause you don't have anything better to do." he counters. DragonFyre shrugs.
"Alright, you win. Where are we going?" Donny grabs her hand as he leads his group across the street and into a bakery. The sweet smell of fudge and fresh pralines scent the air. An old woman comes up and hands each of them a sample of the candy coated pecans. DragonFyre takes a bite of the sweet candy. It crunches satisfactorily in her mouth. Donny buys a half pound of mint fudge and hands it out to his friends. He breaks off a piece and gives it to DragonFyre. She takes it warily. "What did you do to it?" she asks. Donny smiles and cocks his head.
"Nothing. Besides spit on it." he retorts. DragonFyre pops it into her mouth.
"Hm, minty, with a hint of idiot." she observes. He chuckles. They head out pf the bakery and wander through the shops until 5:30. They slowly make they're way back to the restaurant. When they arrive, everyone else is already there, and an occasional stomach growl punctuates the chatter. Mrs. Solberg, the school's French teacher, claps her hands twice to gain everyone's attention.
"Okay," she calls, "as you enter the Hard Rock Cafe, we're going to count you to make sure you're all here."
"Any lost students will be eaten by bears." Coach Reese adds. Mrs.Solberg hits him lightly on the arm. DragonFyre files into the restaurant. Several flat-screens line the walls and play famous music videos. Signed guitars and drumsticks are displayed everywhere. A black spandex suit catches DragonFyre's eye.
"Who wore that?" she wonders aloud. Donny shrugs.
"Dunno. Some famous rocker who obviously didn't care about his circulation." he observes.
"It's funny." DragonFyre comments as she sits at a table, "it looks like something Robin would wear." Donny raises an eyebrow.
"From 'Batman'?" he asks.
"I was thinking Teen Titans, but yeah." she laughs. Everyone freezes as a loud crash resounds from the back of the room. DragonFyre stares in horror as a portal opens in front of everyone. A teenage boy stumbles out of it. He sees DragonFyre and rushes over to her.
"Agent DragonFyre!" he pants, "It's TrailBlaiser! She's been kidnapped! By Slade!" All the color drains from her face.
"Please tell me this is some hallucinogenic reaction to the mint fudge I ate and not actually happening!" she begs. The boy looks at her and she immediately recognizes him. "Well, this is going to be some interesting paperwork to file. Anime star crashes New Orleans restaurant and steals away a student from Alabama. I can see the headlines already."
"This is no time for jokes, DragonFyre!" Robin shouts. Donny stands up.
"What's going on?" he asks, his voice trembling. DragonFyre looks at him, fear in her eyes.
"Bad things. Like, the end of the world, bad things." she whispers.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

New Orleans: Day 1

DragonFyre sits on the bed in the hotel room. Her roomates, Bri, a freshman, and Victoria, a junior, giggle with each other and watch YouTube videos. DragonFyre glances at the clock. It's two in the morning. If they don't shut up and go to bed soon, I will fracking smother them with a pillow until they stop kicking. She shakes her head. No, no bad. Thoughts like those are of the devil. She grasps the cross pendant hanging on a chain around her neck. Just smile and calmly explain that we should have been asleep six hours ago. Victoria turns off her computer.  "Now Bri, I want your honest opinion. Should my boyfriend and I get a room at the Westin, or the Hilton? I mean, I know it's the night of prom, but he wants to make it really special, you know?" 
"How'd you get your mom to agree to pay for that?" Bri asks. 
"Oh, she thinks I'm still a virgin. She says she's proud of me for waiting this long." Victora clarifies. DragonFyre clenches and unclenches her fists. Do. Not. Hurt. Them. Now would be a really good time for some RT powers! Victoria gives her a strange look. "You okay there, Diana?" she asks in her oddly New York-ish accent. Another thing I don't get. She grew up in Alabama like the rest of us, yet she talks like she's from Jersey
"Absofrickinlutly!  Why would it bother me in the slightest to hear you two openly discussing adultery? Means aboslutly nothing to me! Not like my religion's against that entire conversation at all!" DragonFyre exclaims. Bri and Victoria exchange a shocked look.
"Sorry", Victoria laughs, "forgot you were one of those type. What's your denomination again?"
"Southern Baptist." DragonFyre growls through clenched teeth.
"Oh." Victoria mouths.
"You actually believe all that?" Bri asks. DragonFyre's jaw drops.
"You don't?!" DragonFyre gasps. Bri shruggs. "But you're a christian! You said so at school!"
"Yeah but, it's not like any of it actually matters." Bri tries to reason.
"Look, if you found something that works for you, roll with it. It's just not for me. I'll be straight up with you, I don't believe any of it. And I'm sick of people trying to shove religion down my throaght." Victoria holds up her hands in defense.
"I'm not shoving anything down anyones throaght. I just believe that a woman should stay a virgin until marriage." DragonFyre retorts.
"Yeah, okay." Victoria laughs. "If you manage that, I'll be impressed. And FYI, no guy is gonna remain a virgin, so, what's the point? Your mindset would have fit right in back in, what? The fifties? But in this day and age, I don't think so. You can go back to singing hyms and opera now. I liked what you were doing before." DragonFyre opens her choir binder.
"If I do, will you finally go to bed?" DragonFyre begs.
"Sure." Victoria groans as she pulls the covers up. "Do that, uh, confoveri, thing. It was pretty." DragonFyre shook her head.
"Fine, whatever." she sighs. She flips to the music and starts to sing. "Inflammatus et accenus, Perte, Virgo sim defensus. In die judicii. Inflammatus et accensus, Perte, Virgo, sim defensus. In die judicii." She keeps singing the rest of the opera until both Bri and Victroria finally fell asleep. She closes the binder and sets it on the floor, then clasps her hands. "Dear God, I knew that New Orleans would test me, what with it's tendancy to be rather, well, unclean, to say the least. But I had no idea that trouble would come from my own roomates and friends. Father, bless them. And please let me find a way to bring them to you, Father. Amen."

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Finally! Everything has been sorted out! Astrid is alive and well, with Giovanni, BTW. So, Rampant was a mission successful! Woo! Project Lion was also highly successful, with everything happening exactly as planned! Oh, and if you want to hear the song that was sung by DragonFyre, here's the link: DragonFyre sings this song in her school's choir. Speaking of DragonFyre, she made it back to the Alpha Realm with very little disturbance in the realm. Right now she's getting ready for a school trip to New Orleans or, Nawlens, as the locals call it. Apparently the only drawback of the trip is that she gets to ride in a charter bus for seven hours with two spazzy history teachers and an over-protective French instructor. Should be fun! Back to RTHQ, though, we are getting ready to launch yet another mission. Yeah, I know, but we have to. Our motto is, "Tell the story not told.", and how can we do that if we stay here? This mission is into the *drum roll* Teen Titan Realm! Yes, I know that there isn't a book (actually, there is a manga series, but it's a little rated-R, so we're not going there) however, just because we don't normally branch out, doesn't mean we can't. Besides, who doesn't want to meet Robin in person? Can you say dreamy?! Don't tell Sep I said that. Our mission this time is to find out who Slade really is. Because, did they ever really give us a straight answer? Half of RTHQ says it's Robin's father (very Star Wars, isn't it?) and half says it's Robin from the furture. Me? I say it really doesn't matter beyond the fact that he's obviously evil. But, this was Sapphire's idea, so we're going with it. It's basically a routine thing, but now we know that things can go bwrong on a mission, so we're taking back-up. RiverFlyte and I are doing a tag-team on this one. Normally, co-ops are just for new agents, but I think I can make an exception as, Sep put it, I have some "catching up to do". No one will dare mess with us. With his Magyk and my knowlege of all things Teen Titan, this should be a piece of cake. Roundevous with the Titans, infiltrate Slade'sd lair, wherever that may be, and fit together the bits of the puzzle. Easy peasy! Dream on!

        -Agent TrailBlaiser

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Aslan's Country

 The Realm Traveler's gasp in awe at the lush vegetation and crystal clear waters of Aslan's Country.
"Lenora." Aslan calls. A beautiful girl steps out of the vines, covering a moss filled cave. A long white dress flows over her bare feet. Her blonde hair cascades down to her hips. Her green eyes twinkle merrily. She walks slowly up to RiverFlyte and runs her hands her hands through his hair. She kisses him softly. Tears roll down his cheeks.
"I thought I lost you." he breathes. She holds him around his shoulders and looks into his eyes.
"I love you." she tries to say, but no sound comes out. RiverFlyte wraps his right arm around her waist and faces Aslan.
"Why isn't she speaking?" RiverFlyte asks him. Aslan looks past him to DragonFyre.
"Kaitlyn, Elizabeth, RabbitLeap, SwiftWind, Lenora, Diana, Makenna, Blaise, you are known by many names, past, present, and future. I call you a servant of God. You know why." Aslan speaks to her. Soft music plays in the breeze. Recognaztion floods her face.
"When I am Silent", she whispers. She licks her lips. "You want me to... sing?" Aslan nodds. DragonFyre takes a deep breath, then begins a song she knows well. "Who will sing my song when I am silent? Who will count the colors of the dawn? Who will follow the lark's flight? Who will hear it's song? When I am silent, who will sing for me? Who will scent the fragrence of a flower? Who will laugh at snowflakes on the tounge? Who will dance barefoot in the grass? Spinning and twirling and spinning and twirling to welcome the warmth of May? Who will dance? When I dance no more, when I sing no more, when I am silent, silent, who will cry me? Who will cry for me? Who will cry? Who will cry?" When the song finished, TrailBlaiser glowed golden, then smiled at DragonFyre.
"Thank you, sister." TrailBlaiser whispers. DragonFyre runs up and hugs her. RiverFlyte smiles at them. The Realm Travelers bow to the two girls, and RiverFlyte kneels before them. "So," TrailBlaiser says finally, "I hear my boyfriend's been cheating on me." DragonFyre and RiverFlyte exchange a look. TrailBlaiser laughs. "Don't worry, I won't hold it against you." She turns to RiverFlyte. "As long as you promise never to cheat on me again." He raises his head.
"I promise. I will never do anything to make you break up with me." he whispers.
"Aww." DragonFyre exclaims. TrailBlaiser and RiverFlyte look at her. "And I totally just ruined the moment." RiverFlyte laughs.
"It's okay. Not exactly Romeo and Juliet here, is it?"
"Definatly not." TrailBlaiser agrees. "If it were, then we'd both have died." Everyone laughs. TrailBlaiser turns to Aslan. "May we go home?" DragonFyre steps in front of her.
"Woah, no. This is the closest I have ever come to having a real conversation with Jesus. I'm not gonna get this kinda thing until I go to heaven." DragonFyre objects. Aslan's eyes dance with amusement.
"If you know me as well as you say you do, then perhaps this won't be your only chance until then." Aslan explains. DragonFyre tries to object, but Aslan cuts her off. "Then again, I could use someone to my powers on. I haven't done the pillar of salt thing for awhile." DragonFyre hides behind RiverFlyte.
"Um, nevermind." she squeaks. Aslan licks her cheek again.
"You are blessed, child. No matter how hard things may get for you, help is always there." he reminds her. She bows her head. Aslan roars over them, and slowly, the lush forests of Aslan's country fade away, and the furniture of the main dining hall of the RTHQ replaces it.
"Well," DragonFyre says finally, "this was fun, but I'd really like to get bac to the Alpha Realm." TrailBlaiser nods and opens a portal back to the high school's cafeteria.
"As soon as you enter, your clothes will change back, and when you sit back down, the world will resume." trailBlaiser tells her.
"Neat trick, stopping time. Can learn that? It'd sure be helpful come exams." DragonFyre observes.
"Sorry," TrailBlaiser shruggs, "Home Realm Block. No RT magic can be used in the RTs home realm."
"Drat. Oh well." DragonFyre waves to everyone and then steps through the portal. When she sits at the table, the portal closes.
"She'll be okay." RiverFlyte assures TrailBlaiser. "In the meantime," he adds as they walk out of the dining hall and towards the quarters, "you have a lot of catching up to do."
"Right!" she exclaims, "I have that mission to launch over in the Teen Titan Realm and-" RiverFlyte kisses her, cutting her off.
"I mean," he whispers, "with me."

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Everyone exits the portal onto sand and grass. The sun-baked ground is craked and dusty, most of the grass brown and dried. "Where are we?" Terrance asks. Agent E. Bennet, recruited from the Austen Realms, picks up the sand and lets it fall through her fingers.
"Well," she replies, "it isn't Narnia. Or Archenland." DragonFyre looks around and spots a small village off in the distance. She starts walking toward it and everyone follows her.
"You know what I just realized," Sapphire yells over the wind, "it's realy hard to navigate a desert in a formal gown!" She waves her hand over her dress, as if to cast a spell, but nothing happens. "Uh, DragonFyre, magic no worky." The others try spells, but they get the same result. RiverFlyte tries to cast one of his elemental spells, but it is uneffective. DragonFyre thinks for a bit, then tries to open another portal, but fails. RiverFlyte looks at her in alarm.
"Please don't tell me that none of our magic works here. Not even our escape spells."  he pleads. DragonFyre bites her lip.
"Alright, I won't tell you." she relplies.
"Another, 'Realm Traveler Rule'? What's this one called?" he groans.
"The Aslan Block. When I recieved my powers from him, he made a sort of sheild against it in this realm. But, there are other ways to use magic in this realm. Though, in Calormen, I'm not sure where..." she trails off. Everyone glares at her. "We just have to go north. Once we reach the Narrow Gorge we just follow that. We'll end up in Archenland, then just take the pass north to Narnia." She explains.
"I don't remeber that in the books." Sapphire objects.
"Did you read The Horse and his Boy?" DragonFyre asks.
"No. No one reads that one. It has nothing at all to do with the rest of the series." Sapphire points out. DragonFyre whips back toward the village and continues walking.
"Well, no wonder you know nothing about the georaphy of Calormen." DragonFyre retorts. RiverFlyte grabs her arm.
"Are you sure you know where you're going?" he asks. She shakes her head.
"No, but I figure it's better than being stranded in the desert." She turns to address the rest of the Realm Travelers. "Keep an eye on the horizon. If the sun is going down, that ways north," she points out her right, "if it's going up, that ways north." she points to her left. "Got it?" Murmurs of agreement  ripple through the group. They all commence walking toward the village. After about an hour or so, Sapphire points to a trail of camels and people heading the same way.
"Hey, lets ask them!" she exclaims. She runs off to meet them. DragonFyre squints through the blazing sunlight.
"Sapphire, no! Those are are the Tisroc's men!" but Sapphire doesn't hear her. Suddenly, Sapphire screams as a few of the men garb her. DragonFyre runs to defend her, but keeps slipping on the sand. "Sapphire!" DragonFyre shreiks. A roar breaks through the ruckus and the men freeze. A lion bursts through the haze and beats back the men. He lies down in front of Sapphire. She climbs on his back and she rides over to the rest of the Realm Travelers. He lets her off and stands in front of them.
"Aslan?" DragonFyre whispers. The lion nodds. DragonFyre falls to her knees and bows before him. She gestures for the others to do the same. The boys kneel and the girls curtsey. Aslan acknowledges them. "I don't know you as a lion, but I know you by your other name." DragonFyre explains. She stands. Aslan licks her cheek.
"We are much like you and TrailBlaiser. The same, yet different. Not twins. But siblings, yet the same person." he says. He addresses the rest of the Realm Travelers, "You all are a long way from home. But you are here for a reason. Or else you certainly would not have come to this realm."
RiverFlyte steps forward.
"Yes, sir. We had hoped that you could revive TrailBlaiser." RiverFlyte whispers. Aslan whips his tail back and forth.
"Why should I do that?" he demands. RiverFlyte bows his head.
"I- I love her, your majesty." RiverFlyte replies. Aslan's eyes soften.
"You wish to see her again? To hold her? To love her?" RiverFlyte nodds slowly. Aslan breathes on them, and they are transported into his country.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Project Lion

DragonFyre meanders to the closet in the corner of the room. When she opens it, she's met with a face full of sparkle. The light hits a silver dress and nearly blinds her. When she thinks she can see again, she slowly removes the dress from the closet. She gasps as she feels the soft fabric. It glides smoothly under her hands. She quickly puts it on. The dress fits her perfectly. She twirls a few times in front of the mirror and laughs. "I look like a snowflake!" she exclaims. DragonFyre bushes her hair out and pulls it into a ponytail, then curls it. She grabs a silver ribbon that was hanging from the dress and twirls it around the ponytail holder. She looks at herself in the mirror again. "Now the only thing that's missing is..." She searches around the dresser until she finds the perfect accessory: silver earrings that hang down to her shoulder. "Amazing. I always dreamed of wearing this dress. I thought it was the most beautiful thing when I first saw it back in '08. No dress since has been more beautiful." She arranges her make-up the opens the door. She is hit by a wave of chatter and the scent of delicious food. She follows the noise into a grand dining hall. An empty chair is at the head of the table, with Sapphire and RiverFlyte on either side of it. When they see her, everyone is silent. Sapphire and RiverFlyte exchange a look, then RiverFlyte gets up, walks over to her and bows.
"Agent DragonFyre, your highness." His words hit her like a freight train. He kisses her hand and she curtsies back. He leads her to the empty chair. As she sits, everyone looks at her expectantly. All the color drains from her face. She glances over at RiverFlyte. He flips his hand palm up. She quickly flips her palm to face her. It glows blue for only an instance, not enough for anyone to see, and writing appears. She reads the words out loud, "I, Agent DragonFyre, regent until the return of TrailBlaiser, welcome you to tonight's formal dinner in honor of my arrival." Everyone seems satisfied and begins eating. Sapphire smiles at her. DragonFyre smiles back.
"You know. TrailBlaiser once told me the story of that dress. She wore it in RiverFlyte's realm, at a MidWinter's Day Ball. hosted by the princess." Sapphire comments. A thought dawns on DragonFyre.
"Sep?" she asks. "Why did you adress me as 'your highness'?" RiverFlyte takes a sip of water before answering.
"TrailBlaiser is called the Princess of the Realm Travelers. She made it up after deciding that military tittles were not 'fantasy' enough. Technically though, if she's a princess, and, as you said, she's like your daughter, does that make you Queen?" he replies.
"Heck if I know." she states. Sapphire lightly tapps DragonFyre on the shoulder. DragonFyre turns to face her.
"I was wondering, do you know where TrailBlaiser is?" she asks.  DragonFyre and RiverFlyte exchange a look.
"Yeah, I was wondering that, too." Sugar chimes in. Soon, everyone at the table, Agents and A-I-Ts alike, exchange gossip and controversy regarding the whereabouts of TrailBlaiser. After a few moments, they all look at her expectantly. DragonFyre tenses like a deer in headlights.
"Oh, look, dessert." she points out warily as platters of pastries magically float in. She grabs one and examines it. "What are these?" she asks.
"TrailBlaiser's recipe. Golden Lion." RiverFlyte replies.
"DragonFyre." Sapphire interjects. "You're avoiding the subject." DragonFyre cringes.
"You want the truth?" she squeaks. Sapphire glares at her.
"The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth." Sapphire demands. DragonFyre sinks a little in her chair. "Tell us where TrailBlaiser is." DragonFyre mumbles something softly. "What was that?" DragonFyre swallows.
"Um, TrailBlaiser is, um, dead." she sqeaks. The room is silent and cold.
"Your joking." Sapphire whispers. "Please say you're joking!" DragonFyre closes her eyes and shakes her head. Sapphire gasps. Time seems to stand still. After what seems like an eternity in silence, Sapphire finally says, "So what now?" No one has an answer. DragonFyre isn't hungry, but stares at the pastry anyway.
"Golden Lion." she whispers. "Leo." Suddenly, she sits up. "Project Lion!" she exclaims. Everyone stares at her in alarm. She stands and holds the pastry in the air. "Lenora Abigail RainSong! You frackin' genious! Aslan! Why didn't I think of him before?!" She opens a portal behind her and motions for eveyone to follow her. "We're going to Narnia!"

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


RiverFlyte takes his orb from his pocket. "I remember, in one of your stories, you wrote about this." he says gently as he places it in her hand.

"The Orb of River..." she whispers softly as she caresses the small object. "Exactly as I imagined it..." She smiles at RiverFlyte. "I'll admit, it's kind of hard to grasp that this is all real." She gives him back the orb. He smiles sheepishly.

"Well, perhaps I can help you with that." he whispers. He kisses her softly. DragonFyre goes rigid, then relaxs and kisses him back. He places his hand on her shoulder lightly. She groans and tenses up, then lets herself fall into him. "I love you." he breathes. 

"No." DragonFyre gasps. She hugs herself and shakes. "You don't love me, you love TrailBlaiser." RiverFlyte holds her. 

"But you are TrailBlaiser. You said yourself that you're the same girl." he reasons. DragonFyre pushes him away. 

"That's what's scaring me. I can't separate us. My emotions are mixing with what Leo would feel. It's her that loves you. She wants to kiss you." DragonFyre leans in to kiss him, but stops herself. "I seem to remember someone saying, 'You have no idea how hard it is not to kiss you right now.' It's even harder for me." RiverFlyte puts his arm around her, but she brushes him off. "Please just, go. It's too confusing to be near you." RiverFlyte moves to the door, but doesn't open it.

"I guess, I'll see you at dinner. Formal attire, as it is for every new arrival to RTHQ." he whispers. DragonFyre can't bring herself to look at him. Suddenly, she's swept into his arms and kissed. He lets her go. "I'm sorry, I-" but DragonFyre cuts him off.

"JUST GO!" she screams through her tears. RiverFlyte rushes out of her room. When she hears it click into place, she falls onto the bed and weeps. After her tears have all but subsided, she brushes the hair out of her face and sings softly to herself. "Father, help me. God Almighty, I need You now. Lord of Glory, Christ who saved me, I need You now. In a place so strange, yet so familiar, I feel alone. And I need to know. Are You still there? Can You still hear me? 'Cause I can't find my own voice, let alone Yours. Father, help me. God Almighty, I need You now."

Monday, March 5, 2012


DragonFyre awakes in a strange room. RiverFlyte, who has been sitting on the bed for the last few hours smiles at her. She shakes her head, as if trying to deny her surroundings. "Wh-where am I?" she asks. RiverFlyte stands and helps her to her feet.
"RTHQ. This is TrailBlaiser's room." he explains. She looks around the room. "Sorry if we overwhelmed you." he adds. DragonFyre looks at him.
"You kissed me, didn't you?" RiverFlyte's face goes red.
"Yes, er, sorry." he blushes. DragonFyre shrugs.
"It's on your head. I don't want to be around when my daughter finds out." she states. RiverFlyte stares at her in disbelief.
"Your what?!" he gasps. DragonFyre rolls her eyes.
"Technically, TrailBlaiser could be considered my daughter, since I created her. I sometimes think of her that way. Although, she could also be classified as my sister." DragonFyre sighs. She sits back on the bed and rubs her lip. "Funny, I never imagined my first kiss would be from someone I just met." RiverFlyte sits next to her.
"But we have met before. That time you and TrailBlaiser were in my realm." RiverFlyte explains.
"You didn't kiss Hunter?" comes a voice from the other side of the door. "Or Blake? Or Brent?" RiverFlyte opens the door to come face to face with Sapphire and Sugar Plum. DragonFyre comes around him to see the two girls giggling. "Not even Jackson?" DragonFyre glares at them.
"Where did you hear those names?" she demands.
"In TrailBlaiser's old journal. On a page marked with your name." Sapphire announces.
"If you must know," DragonFyre groans, "I didn't kiss them because they were a bunch of good-for-nothing, heartless, cowardly, mean-" DragonFyre cuts herself off when she saw the RiverFlyte's expression. "Um, they weren't my type, to say the least." The girls look disappointed. They walk away, whispering to each other. RiverFlyte watches them go, then turns his attention back to DragonFyre.
"I'm impressed." he muses. She raises an eyebrow.
"Why's that?" she asks. He smiles.
"You haven't freaked out once in the last five minutes." he observes. DragonFyre glares at him.
"You are just like Micheal. He teases me like that, too." She whacks him on the head with  pillow. "But there's still one thing that bothers me about all this."
"The fact that you feel no shame at hitting boys with bedding items?" he offers. DragonFyre whacks him again.
"No, why TrailBlaiser isn't the one here explaining everything to me." RiverFlyte's smile fades. DragonFyre takes notice of this. Her eyes widen. "Sep, where is my sister?" He looks away. "Don't play games Septimus. Where is she?!" DragonFyre demands.
"Dead." he whispers. The color drains from DragonFyre's face.
"No." she gasps, "she can't be. I specifically designed the rules to make sure that couldn't happen. Unless," she pauses, "The Double Clause." RiverFlyte leans in. " The Double Clause is when the fail safe doesn't work because of the sheer amount of magic that would be needed to bring back two victims of a spell gone awry." RiverFlyte grabs her hands.
"You know how to fix it, right?" he pleads. DragonFyre lets out a breath.
"I'm afraid not. I figured that the occurrence of The Double Clause was just so unlikely that we shouldn't even bother with it. There is a way to fix it, I just don't know it." DragonFyre explains. RiverFlyte looks her in the eye.
"The one moment that I need TrailBlaiser the most, and she's not here." he sighs. "Is it true that you and TrailBlaiser share the same memories and thoughts?" DragonFyre nods. "So, like you're the same person?" She nods again. "Good. I wouldn't want to cheat on her." He kisses DragonFyre full on the mouth, passionately. She kisses him back savoring his scent. They brake apart. They sit in silence for a long time. "That was the weirdest thing I have ever done, and enjoyed." RiverFlyte says, finally. DragonFyre leans on him, and he puts his arm around her shoulder. "Are you sure that I'm not cheating on her with you, even though you two are almost the same person?"
"I have no idea." DragonFyre admits. She kisses him again. "But I really don't care."

Thursday, March 1, 2012

The Alpha Realm

Septimus opens the portal to the Alpha Realm. He turns to Sapphire, who is nearly hyperventilating from anticipation. "You can back out at any moment, you know that, right?" Sep points out. Sapphire lets out a huge breath.
"And miss this experience?" Sapphire rocks back and forth on her feet, ready to sprint through the portal. "Not a chance." Septimus smiles, then steps through the portal, and into a curtain. He stops abruptly, and Sapphire, not watching where she's going, crashes into him. It's all he can do to stay upright. Sapphire brushes herself off. "Sorry!" she whispers. Septimus waves her off. He whispers a quick Double UnSeen, a Charm that TrailBlaiser invented for covert missions, making both him and Sapphire invisible. He walks around the corner of the curtain, then jumps back when he sees the large number of people. He takes a deep breath, then risks another glance. "What's happening?" Sapphire whispers.
"It appears to be the school's dining hall. A think TrailBlaiser called it, a cafeteria. Only, none of the students seem to be sick, so I suppose she exaggerated a bit when describing the food."  Sapphire stands beside him. She gasps.
"Look!" she exclaims, "it's TrailBlaiser!" She points to a girl directly in front of them, who's talking to another girl. They're discussing the alto section of the school's intermediate choir.
"I just don't see how they can't stay on one note! Some of them can't even match pitch! How they got into intermediate is beyond me." The blond girl says before taking a sip of chocolate milk.
"I know, right? The spring concert's gonna tank because of them. Well, and a few of the sopranos. If only they'd stop gossiping long enough to learn their notes!" the other girl replies. She pushes her empty tray out into the middle of the table.
"Those girls are the cattiest human beings I have ever met." The blond one comments. 
"One time, I heard them talking about sex and drugs!", the other girl exclaims. 
Septimus exchanges a look with Sapphire.
"No wonder we're banned from coming here. The Alpha Realm is so vulgar!" Sapphire laments. "Are you sure that DragonFyre is here?" Septimus nods.
"Of course," he explains, "she's right in front of you." He points to the girl that Sapphire thought was TrailBlaiser. Sapphire gives him an incredulous look.
"But how are we going to contact her without causing an uproar?" Sapphire asks.
"Simple, we freeze time. It's an ability you don't get until much later in your training." he adds when Sapphire looks confused. He waves his hand, and the world stops. DragonFyre lets out a scream when she realizes that everything has stopped but her. Septimus and Sapphire shed the Charm and reveal themselves. DragonFyre screams again. Septimus holds up his hands.
"Calm down! It's me! RiverFlyte!" he pushes Sapphire in front of him. "And Sapphire. Remember?" DragonFyre stares at each of them in terror.
"No, no, you're not real! I, I wrote you! I dreamed you up, well, not you, Sep, just Sapphire, but, still! I must be dreaming. Yeah, that's it, I'm dreaming. And I'm going to wake up any second now and schedule an appointment with a psychiatric facility." she rambles. Septimus tries to speak but she covers her ears and walks away. Sapphire whispers something to him. He jumps back in recoil.
"You want me to do what?!" he exclaims. Sapphire glares at him. "Fine." he sighs. He walks over to DragonFyre and kisses her. She stares at him in shock for a moment, then faints. Septimus catches her. Sapphire comes up behind him.
"Well, that could have gone better." Sapphire observes. Septimus glares at her.
"You think?!" he growls. He picks her up while Sapphire opens a portal. "For the record that's three times in two days that girls have fallen into my arms." he comments as they exit the realm and enter RTHQ.